Selected Poems
Driftwood Press: "instead of a diary, i confess to the rooms of my dollhouse"
Bleating Thing Magazine: "dream of a jadeite salesgilr & mother goose" & "angel pain"
FUCKUS Magazine: "reminisce / land of love"
DOOR = A JAR: "fortune machine I" & "fortune machine II" (FORTHCOMING)
The SORTES Spectral Winter Annual: 5 Leeds Children Poems
Broken Antler Magazine: "monologue: my own reflection in the mirror" and "monologue: the devil's mother"
Chaotic Merge: "slumber party prophets"
Birdy Magazine: "afterlife as an aura photobooth"
Beneath the Garden: "poison for the fairies / a witch in the making" (FORTHCOMING)
Spellbinder: "a mother's promise"
Wyrd & Wyse: “Black Mood” “Pessary / Oubliette” (Past Issue), "postpartum / mother of pines" , "false idol / a witch who lives in a house of candy", "let this child be a devil"
Alice Says GFY: "in sleep, the voices become my everything"
Violet, Indigo, Blue, Etc.: "inter dimensional lullaby / sleep regression III"
Bedfellows Magazine: "fantasy suites / a drama"
WRONGDOING Magazine: "one of these doors lies / one of these doors tells the truth"
Forever Magazine: "dream feed / the prophetic child"
Ligeia Magazine: "taphonomy / spell break"
WITCHES Magazine: "to believe is to hunger"
Catatonic Daughters: "ghost tour of salem village"
Nimrod International Journal: "shelter / a whole world made of plastic"
The Shoutflower: “no. 1 altarpiece” & “sometimes our dead show themselves, unburied or otherwise” (Issue One)
"the first child / frozen charlotte doll", "the second child / sideshow", "the third child / masthead",
"the fourth child / lachrymatory", "the fifth child / weathervane"
Mom Egg Review: "Sharon Tate Suns by the Pool" zx
HORROR WRITERS ASSOCIATION Poetry Showcase Vol. VIII: "ritual for reuniting
with my favorite demon"
NELLE: "false idol / mrs. leeds, mother of the jersey devil"
Lover's Eye Press: "dream locket / primary tokophobia" ; "tucked away / enmeshment" ;
"lost time / first trimester"
Be About it Zine: "the mirror stage"
Daily Drunk MIDSOMMAR ANTHOLOGY: "exhaustion, the ceremony"
SORTES Magazine: "a horror / a vision"; "i was born en caul / i was born covered in fur"; "hagiography"
RESURRECTION Mag: "ghost tour of penn hills honeymoon resort"
POET LORE: "false mother / mother of eternity" & "in which the shamed paranormal psychologist
invites us to the infamously haunted house"
The Journal: "paranormal investigation II'
Pretty Owl Poetry: “the swan no. 1”
Phantom Drift: “at the bottom of the lake, a fairy tale”
Black Telephone: “puppet show / aerophobia” and “say bloody mary once, then pause"
Painted Bride Quarterly: “no. 7 adulthood”, “inside the beheaded apartment”, & “bloody mary x 3” (FORTHCOMING)
giallo: “maybe, never”
Oroboros: “what has been spoken” Collaborative poem with Emi Bergquist
Passages North: “poltergeist” and “false mother / the mother of wrath”
Peculiars Magazine: “humpty dumpty et al.” & “girl gathering flowers swallowed up by earth and taken to the lower world”
pulpmouth: “for the seventh time, three of swords is our final outcome”
The Fourth River Review: “the dreamhaus / the diabolical haunting” , “vestibular”, and “paradise trail / the road to penn hills”
Biscuit Root Drive: “sleep paralysis on the night of midsummer”
Burning House Press: “centralia, town that swallows its flames”
Ghost City Review: “[ethereal whooshing]”
Everything in Aspic: “somniloquy for the deadhaus…” (First Prize Winner)
Blood Bath Zine: “the wilt of me, a paperback”
Psaltery & Lyre: “no. 3 youth”
Conduit: “statue of the virgin decaying in the garden”
The Opal Club: “there was a sort of hollywood in the basement”
Gingerbread House Mag: “sad girl, telekinetic”
Big Other: “mother”, “walpurgisnacht”, “this old house as gushblood”, “this old house as something still blooming”, “this old house as an afterlife for something”
SUSAN / THE JOURNAL: “unsolved mystery / the thermal scanner reads ghost”
Nat. Brut: “all these mirrors have splinters”
Ninth Letter: “new jersey dirt”
Gigantic Sequins: “Spell Break / Where do I Go When I Die?”
South Broadway Ghost Society: “exorcism / the expulsion”
Black Warrior Review: “legend”
The Pinch Journal: “swan lake”
Witch Craft Mag: “forever ever haus”
Pink Plastic House: “Spider in the Bedroom” (BEST OF THE NET NOMINATED)
glitterMOB: “Lizzie Borden Liked the Circus as a Girl” “What Millennium” and “Solarium”
fields Magazine: “dumb supper”
Fairy Tale Review: “invisible world / goody bishop” and “bad carriage / goody good”
Charles River Journal: “Lizzie is Trapped in a Women in Peril Picture” and “They Say Lizzie Kept Stuffed Ghost Heads Above Her Sofa”
Sad Girl Review: “It is Today & So I Worry Sick About Loss”
Pvssy Magic Journal: “objects of protection” “table tip / curdle heart” and “within the house with no hallways”
Goat’s Milk Magazine: “my mouth, mother of ghosts”
White Stag Journal: “in every home i leave forever, i offer my smallest drop of blood” (PUSHCART NOMINATED)
New South: “Satania”
Sea Foam Mag: “Materialization” and “Psychometry”
Dream Pop Journal: “Atavistic”
Boston Accent Lit: “lizzie / speak” and “chrysalis sweat / burial ground”
Bone Bouquet Journal: “Haunted Attraction” and “Lizzie New Age / Lizzie New Wave”
Muse/A Journal: “Pre-Code Spiritualism” (Red Lobster Prize Winner) and “ROSABELLE Believe”
TL;DR: “Lizzie Portal / Lizzie Virgil” and “Lizzie Telephonic / Lizzie Telepathic”
Grimoire: “the fox sisters / recipe for ectoplasm”
Mystic Blue Review: “forecasted” “supernatural eloquence” “when we die our ghost becomes someone else’s dream” “make me spindly”
Always Crashing: “Levitate”
Burnt Offering Anthology: “moody doll / witch cake”, “hair snarl / flower boil”
Venefica - Topiary Megrim / Valentine Ecorche
Glass: A Journal of Poetry: Lizzie / Lizzie
1932 Quarterly: “The Membrane of the World Snaps, Gets Darker” and “3 Means of Divination”
Philosophical Idiot: Point-and-Click
Blue Fifth Review (Special Twin Peaks Issue): It was Laura / It was Eurydice, H-Bomb Cherry Pie
Nice Cage - Black Velvety / Black Feathery
Phoebe - lizzie romantic / lizzie rheumatic
Three Drops from the Cauldron: “Witchqueen Obscura”
Ovunque Siamo: “My Body, Brimming with Ancestors,” “The Growth of my Ribs Cracked Open” “truly / madly / deeply”
Moonchild Magazine: “i am a castle / i am a bride”
Occulum: “i am turning gold / i am dying”
Bad Pony Magazine: “My Voice Attached Itself to My Ghost, Left Me” , “My Eye, Haunted by a Rag Time Girl”, and “My Ouija says I’m a Hollywood Girl”
Sugar House Review: “Dollhouse on Unmarked Grave” and “Studies Find Pearls are Teeth After all” (Forthcoming)
American Chordata: “The Witch Practices Spells for Loosening the Noose”
Breadcrumbs Mag: “There’s Your Form Bathed in Grey” “vicious creature / thing of beasts”
Yes, Poetry: “Promise Ring”
POEM MISTRESS: “Beautiful & It is Everything”
MEAT FOR TEA: “Obituary for Another Mermaid Girl”, “Up from the Salt Cellar”, “Girl Shaped like an Axe Murderer” and “The Vampire Who Said he Was You”
L'EPHEMERE Review: “House of the Seven Gables”
The Writing Disorder: “When I’m Awake, but not Awaken” “Marya Murders the Deathless”
Faerie Magazine: “Making Witch Bottles with my Mother”
Prelude: “Ophelia as Lazarus” and “The Ritual Calls for Belladonna”
Luna Luna Magazine: “Shrine”, “ A Poem in Photographs”
Waxing & Waning: “The Place After Crossing Over,” “Cemetery in Lemon…” “Do Not Touch the Moon” and “I Think Death’s a Fig…”
Vanilla Sex Magazine: “St. Rose of Benevolent Menses” “If Hell Had a Body” “In the Place Without Bodies” and “God in Real Life”
Five to One Magazine: “Room at the Madonna Inn” and “I Don’t Want to Talk About the Man” “Zoltar”
The Opiate: “The Place Before Crossing Over” and “I Hear Evil Enter Through the Nothing of Me”
Rogue Agent: “Francesca’s Tour of the Female Inferno”
Reality Beach: “The Debut of a Lady in White” and “There are Creatures in These Woods of Mine” “We Speak Candidly on the Phases of the Moon”
Rose Red Review: “Then Back Into the Abyss She Fell” and “The Difference Between Life and Death is Antlers”
Quail Bell Magazine: “Everything Abandoned Must Go On”
Prick of the Spindle: “Witch Fingers,” “Purity Ring,” “These Ghosts of Mine, Siamese,” and “Oh, Adored Cadaver”
Minola Review: “In Old Hollywood”
Up the Staircase Quarterly: “She Saved the World A Lot”
Poetry Quarterly: “Psychic Reading in Moonstone”
Rust + Moth: “A Brothel in Rose Quartz”
The Broadkill Review “On Picnic at Hanging Rock”
The Yellow Chair Review: “On The Virgin Suicides”
After the Pause: “On My Girl”
Milkfist Magazine: “The Red Thread” (Forthcoming)
Hypertrophic Literary: “The Moth Cycle” and “The Way His Aura Sometimes Feels”
Bop Dead City: “On Flowers in the Attic”
Crack the Spine: “The Textbooks Will Tell You the Moon is a Face”
Menacing Hedge: “The Purgatory Choice,” “The Most Beautiful Suicide,” “I hope death will come this way” and “”
Wicked Banshee Press: “Mood Ring” and “Resurrection of the Fawn”
Eternal Haunted Summer: “Join the Coven of Her”
Hermeneutic Chaos: “Water, Sweet and Nasty”
Bellevue Literary Review: “my mother is a fish”
FLAPPERHOUSE: “When All the Trees Go Up in Flames, Only Water Puts Them Back to Sleep,” “She Used to Be on a Milk Carton" (PUSHCART NOMINATED) “Riding Hood,” “How Often We Confuse Ovens for Rabbit Holes” “Folie a Deux” “Emily Dickinson’s Dorm Room” “I Ask the Netherworld if Lizzie Borden Did It & This is What it Says” (BEST OF THE NET NOMINATED) and “Santarella Garden”
Jersey Devil Press: “Asbury Park in the Off Season”
Lehigh Valley Vanguard: “Neighbor Girls” “The Porch People” “Pink Dreaming”
Boston Poetry Magazine: “A Mermaid Documentary” “Mademoiselle Paralysee” “The Shipwreck in a Bottle” “Absinthe” and “The Absence of Being”
Haute Macabre x Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab TOTALITY Poetry Contest:
"my body, doused fully in the utter absence of sky" (GRAND PRIZE WINNER)
Pink Print Anthology: "spider in the bedroom"
Lit Sisters Haunted Anthology: "exorcism / the pretense" & "exorcism / the presence"
These Poems are Not What They Seem Anthology: "h-bomb cherry pie"
MASS Poetry Poem of the Moment: "I Hear Evil Enter Through the Nothing of Me"
Poems-for-All: "How Often We Confuse Ovens for Rabbit Holes"
Crack the Spine XV: "The Textbooks will Tell You the Moon is a Face"
Minola Review Anthology I
Roach Blueprint Anthology
Poets for Change Anthology